Ripple along with the DJ and, Cultural night is a two day event that apparently keeps the campus away from its academic side where the students and staffs in joy and they enjoy the event well.



SPECTRA is the technical fest, aims at bridging the gap between universities and industries that aid the student participants to exhibit their neoteric ideas and demonstrate their renovated concepts.



Technical Association enhances the professional competence of the students by organizing activities like expert talks, video shows, competitions and socially relevant projects.

Two days Hands-on Workshop on Quality Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

PROGRAMME REPORT We, the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized “Two Days Hands-On Workshop on Quality Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)” for II year Mechanical Engineering studentsat Rohini College of Engineering & Technology on 28th & 29th March 2022. This programme aims to motivate and train the students for getting industrial exposure. The inaugural ceremony was

A National Level Technical Symposium ‘CAZIL22’ Organized by the department of CSE

A National level technical symposium CAZIL’22 hosted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, paulkulam, Kanyakumari. “CAZIL’22” was held on Friday (08/04/2022). The chairman Shri. Neela marthandan, the Pro chairman Dr. N. Neela vishnu, the managing director Dr. Blessy geo, the principal Dr. R. Rajesh who presided

Mini Project Expo-2022 (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering)

As The Science of Today Is the Technology of Tomorrow, the ECE Department of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology hosted   Mini Project Expo on 7th April 2022.  The Venue was at the Research & Product Development Laboratory. Dr.V.M.Blessy Geo- Managing Director  Inaugurated the   Mini Project Expo-2022 in the presence of Pro-Chairman, Principal, Head of

Two days workshop on “Intelligent wireless data transfer in IoT applications using node MCU.”

The Faire Connectrons, an Association of Electronics and Communication Engineers, hosted a two-day workshop on “Intelligent wireless data transfer in IoT applications using node MCU” on March 24th and 25th, 2022 at College Campus.  The Workshop started with Inaugural session. Dr. S.Mohanalakshmi, Professor & Head / ECE welcomed the august gathering. Prof.. R.V.Nagarajan, introduced Er.K.S.Kavin,


Rohini College of Engineering and Technology promotes periodical workshops for the improvement of the students.Department of EEE Engineering has organized Two days Hands on training on  EMERGING TRENDS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES on 28.03.2022 & 29.03.2022. The chairman Shri. K.Neela marthandan, the Pro chairman Dr. N. Neela Vishnu, the managing director Dr.V.M. Blessy geo, the principal

Workshop on Linux Programming organized by the Department of CSE

Workshops are the opportunities to the students to learn from different environment than classrooms. This benefits the students to get practical knowledge more effectively. Rohini College of Engineering and Technology Promotes periodical workshops to the betterment of students. Department of Computer science and Engineering has organized a Two days Workshop on Linux Programming on 24.03.2022

Webinar on Cyber Security Threats organized by the Department of CSE

Rohini College of Engineering and Technology promotes technical events to enable students to shine in their academic pursuit, making them sensitive to the needs of the progressive industrial world. Department of Computer science and Engineering has organized a Webinar on Cyber Security threats on 15.03.2022. The Program was coordinated by Dr.A.Lourdes Mary, Assistant Professor CSE

Seminar on Industrial Internet of things and Industry 4.0 organized by the Department of CSE

Rohini College of Engineering and Technology endeavors to produce graduates of international distinction, committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge. Department of Computer science and Engineering has organized a seminar on Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 on 14.03.2022. The Program was coordinated by Dr.A.Lourdes Mary, Assistant Professor CSE Department.