Today’s fierce competition has made student training an extremely difficult and important task. Training students is vital in order to prepare them for the workforce while keeping in mind the hopes and objectives of the students.
One-day pre-placement training has been arranged for the students of MBA department by Mr.Shivashankaran, Rubicson Academy. Training session was focusing on Development of Skillsets, Instills Confidence in the Students, Aptitude Building, Communication Skills.
Mr.Shiva shankaran lecture was on moulding the students’ personalities and instilling a sense of confidence in them to perform their best. Also insisted on “Start-ups and companies want to hire students nowadays who think out of the box, are spontaneous and have unconventional ways of thinking.”. His ultimate aim for this session was to make student industry-ready and every student’s dreams of getting placed at reputed firms come true.
This workshop was created to help students who have never attended a soft-skills course before as well as to lessen the immediate pressure of attending interviews. Trainer employed a variety of facilitation strategies, such as group discussions, brainstorming, case studies, and Q&A sessions. Numerous training approaches were applied in order to ensure that every participant is engaged, understands the material, and puts what they have learned into practice. Majority of the students actively participated in the training. The students also gave feedback orally.