The Department of Computer Science and Engineering XENOTRONIX a CSE association of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology have conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “TECHTONIX 2024” on 08.11.2024. The Program was Inaugurated in the presence of our Honorable Chairman Shri.Neela Marthandan, Our Pro-chairman Dr.Neela Vishnu, and Our Managing Director Dr.V.M.Blessy Geo. The chief guest of the program was Mrs.Beena Sujay, Senior HR Business Partner , CapeStart Software Private Limited .Our Honorable Principal Dr.R.Rajesh, have delivered the presidential address and motivated the students to improve their Technical skills. Department Magazine was released by the Chief Guest in the presence of Principal, HOD and Department Faculties. A guest Lecture was given by the chief guest on the topic “Growth mindset”. Our Principal Dr.R.Rajesh and Dr.Michael Revina ,HOD, Department of CSE have honored the chief guest and Guest of honor with the mementos.
Our Symposium was a special gathering where students can showcase their technical skills and knowledge. The various Technical events such as Project Expo, Paper Presentation, Debugging , poster Designing, Quiz and Logo Design was conducted and also nontechnical events such as E-Sports, Connection, photography were conducted. 360 outside participants were participated in various events.