A National Level Technical Symposium”DIGITAL DYNAMICS 2024 “Organized by Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

The Department of Artificial intelligence and Data science of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology have conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “DIGITAL DYNAMICS 2024” on 12.11.2024. The objective of Conducting this event is to provide suitable platform for dynamic development of students. The Program was Inaugurated in the presence of our Honorable Chairman Shri.Neela


The students of department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized A NATIONAL LEVEL TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM- ELECYUVA 2k-24”  on 15th NOVEMBER 2024. The event was aimed to exhbit thier hidden talents of students to make, trends, and insights. A total of 160 students participated in various technical and non-technical events from various instituition The Chief Guest of the of the event

EEE Department Events 2024

IEEE MADRAS RELIABILITY SOCIETY On behalf of our EEE department Professional Chapter – RCET IEEE Student Chapter, we thank our honorable Chairman, Pro Chairman, Managing Director and respected Principal sir for their unwavering support in organizing the IEEE MADRAS SUMMIT sponsored by IEEE Madras Section, IEEE Madras Reliability Society and IEEE Madras Young Professionals on

A National Level CSE Technical Symposium “TECHTONIX 2024”

The Department of Computer  Science  and  Engineering XENOTRONIX  a  CSE association   of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology have conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “TECHTONIX 2024” on 08.11.2024. The Program was Inaugurated in the presence of our Honorable Chairman Shri.Neela Marthandan, Our Pro-chairman Dr.Neela Vishnu, and Our Managing Director Dr.V.M.Blessy Geo. The chief guest


The students of department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a NATIONAL LEVEL TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM- ELECYUVA 2k-24”  on 15th NOVEMBER 2024. The event was aimed to exhbit thier hidden talents of students to make, trends, and insights. A total of 160 students participated in various technical and non-technical events from various instituition The Chief Guest of the of the event