Department of MSME, EDII TN in collaboration with Rohini IIC and EDC organized Entrepreneurship Development Activities for the Outgoing Students of RCET on 8th May 2023, to give an idea on how to operate business in markets easily and how to overcome challenges and establish a balance between various components of a business. Honourable guest Mr.SakthiPrasath, AP-PSG College of Engineering, Founder Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship and skill Development. Mr.C.Sanjeev, Researcher- Manonmaiyum Sunderanar University, Tirunelveli,Mr.Dheebin, Founder and MD of Kumari Shoppy.
Setting up students for success after graduation requires greater extent of encouragement to them to improve their entrepreneurial talents. Such activities motivate students to o create a mind-set among the students to be job creators. These interactive and practical session provided the knowledge about how to run a business. These eye-opening sessions made students believe that they can become financially independent at a young age. Emphasis was on Personality Development, technical skills, provided financial knowledge, analytical, interpersonal, decision making and creative skills.
Rohini IIC and EDC acts as incubator to Society, for developing future entrepreneurs. These activity provides advisory services to the budding Entrepreneurs.