Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rohini College of Engineering and Technology organized a 2-Day National Level Seminar on “Additive Manufacturing Promoting Sustainability Current Trends and Challenges” in association with Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi a statutory body of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, from 25th– 26th April, 2024. The department has received a partial grant of Rs. 1,50,000/- from SERB, New Delhi.
This program aimed to provide opportunities to acquire research skills in the domain of Mechanical and its allied areas such as Aeronautical, Aerospace, Design, Automobile, and Biomedical Engineering. Registration for the seminar was open to engineering students, research scholars, academicians, and industry people. In total, 160 registrations were received for the event. This included 28 faculty members, 06 research scholars, 01 industry people, 121 UG and 04 PG students. The 2-day Seminar event comprised of 8 plenary sessions and we invited 8 distinguished academicians from premier institutes and organization to share their views and research experiences in Additive Manufacturing.
On Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., an inaugural ceremony for the seminar programme was held. Sri. Alex A, Advisor, Launch Vehicle Building, LPSC ISRO Trivandrum was the chief guest at the occasion, which was presided over by our Honorable HOD, Dr.D.Prince Sahaya Sudherson. The program was followed by enlightening the participants with the purpose and importance of the seminar. The chief guest graced us with his valuable words. His inaugural address shed light on the international opportunities available for young research scholars and UG, PG students. The program marked it conclusion by 09:45 a.m
On 25thApril, 2024, the First session was engaged by Mr.A. Alex, Advisor, Launch Vehicle Building LPSC, ISRO Trivandrum He highlighted on research opportunities of Additive Manufacturing in Scientific Community. The second session was engaged by Dr. T. Jagadesh & Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. He discussed about technical aspects related to Polymer 3D Composite. The third session was chaired by Dr. V. Anandakrishnan, Professor, National Institute of Technology- Tiruchirapalli. He talked about research Challenges in metal additive manufacturing. The fourth session was engaged by Dr. B. Subramanian, Senior Principal Scientist & Head Electroplating and Metal Finishing Division, CSIR- Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi. He discussed the real-world applications of Additive Manufacturing of Ti/Ti Alloys with surface modification Bio Implants for Biomedical Domain.
On 26thApril, 2024 the First session was engaged by Dr K. Senthilkumaran, Associate Professor, IIIDM Kancheepuram. He highlighted Sustainability Analysis of Additive Manufacturing in a Life Cycle Perspective. The second session was engaged by Dr. A. Manjunath, Scientist ‘G’ Gas Turbine Research Establishment Defense Research & Development Organization, Bangalore. He discussed about technical aspects related to traditional and Advanced Additive Manufacturing techniques used for Aero Gas Turbine Applications. The third session was chaired by Dr. Velmurugan C, Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli. He talked about research avenues in Future of Additive Manufacturing Solutions for Bio Medical Application. The fourth session was engaged by Dr. V. Anil Kumar, Scientist/ Engineer SG & DGM, MPA/MME, RFF Area, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO Trivandrum. He discussed the real-world applications of Metal Additive Manufacturing for Space Applications
On Friday, April 26, 2024, at 4:15 p.m., valedictory function for the seminar programme “Additive Manufacturing Promoting Sustainability Current Trends and Challenges” was held. The occasion, which was presided over by our honorable HOD Dr. Prince Sahaya Sudherson. He highlighted on the growth and opportunities in the field Additive Manufacturing. Followed by his talk, Dr. A, Sagai Francis Britto thanked the Recourse persons and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for providing this seminar. Certificates were distributed to participants. Feedback on the event was collected from the participants.