A National level technical symposium (MACH”24) was held on17-04-2024 on behalf of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rohini College of Engineering and Technology The chairman of the college, Mr. Neela Marthandan, Pro chairman Dr. Neela Vishnu, and Managing Director Dr. Blessy Geo presided over the event. The principal of the college, Dr. R.Rajesh, gave the presiding address. The Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Prince Sahaya Sudherson welcomed them all. Dr.SahayaFrancisbritto introduced the special guest. Dr.D.P. Sudhakar Deputy Director, ISRO attended the program as special guest and gave departmental advice to the students And Dr.James Daniel Rtd. principal ,Scott Christian college gave motivational speech for the students. Various competitions and art programs were held for the students and prizes were awarded to the winners Also a car expo was organized by the department of mechanical Engineering, This expo featured a large number of expensive new cars and old cars and the last special event was a bike stunt. More than 500 students from various colleges participated in this event. The arrangements for the program were jointly organized by the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Professors of the Department.