Resource Person: Sundarabalan.V.Bala Subramanian, Director of Geosensing & Imaging (GEOSI Consultancy PVT LTD, Trivandrum)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized SPECTRA 2K22 at Rohini College of Engineering and Technology in Palkulam, Kanyakumari, on September 20, 2022, Tuesday. The Chairman, Shri. Neela Marthandan, the Pro chairman Dr.N.Neela Vishnu, the Managing Director Dr.V.M.Blessy Geo, and the principal, Dr.R.Rajesh, presided over the function. The principal Dr.R.Rajesh delivered the presedential address. The programme was coordinated by Mrs.K.S.Janu, Mrs.A.Haseena Beevi, Mrs.Vahitha.K.Thangam Professors of Computer Science and Engineering Department. Ms.Mercy Fragrance (II year CSE) gave the welcome speech and Ms.Pooja (IV year CSE) introduced the chief guest. “A little progress each day adds up to big results” with such inspiring words the chief quest delivered his motivational chief quest speech and tell the students about the future scope in computer science field and interacted with the students. Mrs.R.Sahila Devi (HOD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering) introduced the Office-Bearer of the association for the academic year 2022-2023. The RCET management provides a platform for CSE students to explore their talents through Project Expo. A number of projects were kept in the event which was done by the students.
The following are the events that are organized as part of the Spectra: The technical events such as Quiz, Paper presentation, Web designing, Debugging, Techno Treasure Hunt, Crypto World, Number Pyramid and Non-technical events such as Lucky draw, Cup tower, Bottle flip, spinning wheel, Bowl on head, Colour dance, Chilli cut for inter-college students and some cultural programs were also conducted. During the valedictory ceremony, the principal awarded prizes and certificates to the winners. The event is hosted by Ms. Pooja (IV year CSE). Finally, Ms. Janice Gressida (III year CSE) gave a vote of thanks to the management, the principal, the HOD, the faculties, the non-teaching staffs, the student coordinators, and all the students who worked hard to make this event a grand success.