We, the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized “Two days Workshop Hands on Training on Non Destructive Testing and Applications”for II year Mechanical Engineering studentsat Rohini College of Engineering & Technology on 25th & 26th November 2022. This programme aims to motivate and train the students for getting industrial exposure.
The inaugural ceremony was arranged in Imperial Hall of Mechanical Department. Our Honourable chairman Shri.K.NEELAMARTHANDAN, Pro-Chairman Dr.N.NEELAVISHNU, Managing Director Dr.V.M.BLESSY GEO has inaugurated the programme. Then the presidential address is given by our respected Principal Dr.R.RAJESH. In his presidential address, he gave motivation to students. Our beloved Head of Mechanical Department Dr.D.PRINCE SAHAYA SUDHERSON introduced the resource persons for the programme. Dr.S.Kailainathan, II year incharge coordinated the programme. The programme was conducted as four technical sessions with hands-on training. Around 200 students and 20 faculty members were participated in the workshop. At the end of the programme, students from each class has given a feedbacks regarding the workshop. The management appreciated the programme committee members for the successive conduction of this two days hands-on workshop.