Department of Business Administration organised A workshop on EQ and Group dynamics for its first year MBA students.With an objective to improve or grow their critical skills for personal and professional success because emotionally intelligent students are better equipped to deal with negative emotions that might disrupt learning and importance of group dynamics in our daily life that influence individuals personality, power, and behaviour on the group process.
The inaugural session was successfully started with august presence of Patrons , Principal ,Head of the Department and the Guest of the day Dr.S.A. Deepa Alageshwari ,NLP Master who carefully designed the EQ session where student would know their Strength and Weekness along with Oppurtunities and Threats available in the external environment.

The second session on Group Dynamics went on with the guidance of Mr.Arun Gladwin- Director VANTAGE. He gave a clear picture on understanding of group dynamics and the role it plays in business, is a critical component of successful management. Both the session was meticulously planned by the faculty of Department of Business Adminstration Dr.G.Prem Shankari-Head,Assistant Professors Ms.F.George Mary Aarthi,Ms.V.Rajalakshmi, Ms.S.Jegitha with the support of the Management.