The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology organized a one-day seminar on Geometric Modelling for III Year Mechanical Engineering students on 30.01.2020 in the Imperial Hall. The function was inaugurated by Principal Dr.R.Rajesh. Dr. Prince Sahaya Sudharson, Head of the Department Mechanical Engineering.
Mr.Rajakumar and Mr.V.P.Prawyn Jeba, AP/Mechanical made the arrangements for the seminar. Ms.Subiksha (III-Mech-C) delivered the welcome address. Mr.Selvaraj, MD- Trio CADD who was the Chief Guest of the event was introduced to the students by Dr. Prince Sahaya Sudharson. The Chief Guest gave a detailed explanation abo, ut Geometric modelling and CAD Standards. It gave a great impact to the students about the use of software in the mechanical field. He concluded the speech about discussing the need and roles of a mechanical engineers in the field of design and manufacturing. Session was quiet interactive and students were able to gain and clarify the queries. About 149 students attended the seminar along with the faculty members. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Ms.Sathya Sree (III-Mech-C).