A National level technical symposium LIVIC’22 hosted by the Department of civil Engineering of Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, paulkulam,Kanyakumari, titled “LIVIC’22” was held on Friday, the 1st of April 2022. The chairman Shri. Neela marthandan, the Pro chairman Dr. N. Neela vishnu, the managing director Dr. Blessy geo, the principal Dr. R. Rajesh who presided over the function. The Program was coordinated by Mr.R.Rajiv Ganghi, Assistant Professor Civil Department. Dr.J.Sahaya Ruben (HOD Department of Civil engineering) Inaugurated the programme. Welcome speech was given by Mr.Manoj Singh(IV yr Civil).A positive attitude bring success depend upon the outcome of preparation on achieving great things,which tribute efforts and dedication by the faculties and students of the department. The chief guest for the inauguration, Er.S.Natarajan,Rtd.Spl.Chief Engineer,TNPWD, delivered a wonderful speech for our students and the special guest Dr.J. Prakash Arul Jose,Professor,Pavai college of Engineering ,Namakal and Mr.RajKumar ,Pannel Engineer ,Kanyakumari District also present at the inaugural function .
Students from various colleges have participated in both technical and non technical event. We have total count of 130 students spot registered for different events.The following are the events that were organized as part of the symposium:PaperPresentation,CAD modelling,Technical Quiz,Code cracking,Puzzle hunt,Treasure hunt,Connexions,Photography,Water baloon and also the cultural program was conducted by the civil engineering student. During the valedictory function the Principal distributed the prizes and certificates to winners. Ms.S.Sruthy(IV yr Civil),Student coordinator presented a report on the entire happenings of the day and the function was finally ended by thanking management, Principal, HOD, Faculites, Non teaching staff, student coordinators and all student who worked for this event to make this event a grand success.