The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of RCET has organized “ A National Level Technical Symposium” RONIX 2K22 on 29.04.2022 @ Grand Arena , RCET. Our honourable chairman Shri.K.Neelamarthandan, Pro-chairman Dr.N.Neela vishnu, Managing Director Dr. V.M.Blessy Geo has graced the programme. The function started with Tamilthai Vazhthu and Lighting the Kuttuvilakku by Dignitaries. Our respected Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering department Dr.S.Mohalakshmi welcomed the gathering. Then the presidential address was given by our respected principal “Dr.R.Rajesh”. He was inspiring all the students by his speech and congratulated all students who worked great in their project. He was motivating all the students with respect to placement and also spoke few words about the placed students.
Introduction of chief guest was given by Ms.D.A.Deva Sangeetha Priya, Final year ECE. The Inaugural address was delivered by Dr.R.S.Kannu, ME,MBA,PhD.., Former Scientist, ISRO. He was very briefly elaborating about the requirements in ISRO and evolution of ISRO. Annual report 2021-2022 was read by Student’s Vice-President Ms.B.Adlin Mahiba and the Chief Guest was Felicitated by Prof.R.V.Nagarajan, Assistant Professor/ ECE, , followed by the release of Newsletter and the first copy of it was received by Principal.Vote of Thanks was given by the Student Ms.S.Freshalini, Final year ECE. The Inaugural function ended with the Flash Presentation.
All the technical events such as Paper Presentation, Quiz, Technical Puzzle, Connectrons, Circuit Debugging and Non-technical events such as Photography, Trollism, Dumbsharads, Start Music were conducted in different venues. Students from various colleges like Government College of Engineering, Einstein College of Engineering, Arunachala college of Engineering for women, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, St.Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering and Technology, etc., and various departments have participated. About 129 students registered for different events. Valedictory function was started at 3.00PM with Principal as a guest. The Winners and First runner were awarded. The function was finally ended by thanking the management, Principal, Head of the Department, Faculty Members, Non-teaching staff and all Student Co-ordinators who worked for this event to make this event a great success by our department Assistant Professor, Mr.R.V.Nagarajan.