We, the YRC club of RCET organized “one day awareness camp on covid-19 vaccination” for our RCET students on 30/3/2022. This programme aims “100% vaccination”amoung us.

This function was arranges in “Opulent Hall” of our college. Our honourable chairman Shri.K. Neelamarthandan , pro chairman Dr. N. Neela vishnu, Managing Director Dr. V. M. Blessy Geo has inaugurated the programme. Then the presidential address was given by our respected principal “Dr. R. Rajesh”. Then our Chief Guest ” Dr. G. Anune Sales”Assistant Surgeon GPHC, Agastheeswaram gave a wonderful awareness about Covid-19 vaccination to nearly 70 students and 10 faculty member who participated in the camp. The welcome address was delivered by K. Rajasuthan AP/Mech and finally the vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. S. Kalainathan Prof/Mech.